A member of the Coal Commission Secretariat represented Eszterházy Károly Catholic University at the fourth and final meeting of the District heating Working Group called the Coal Regions in Transition

During the meeting, one of the members of our University presented the current situation of the district heating system in Eger, the ongoing and completed decarbonisation measures, as well as the intermediate results of the ongoing TARGET technical assistance project. During the event, he shared his experiences with representatives of the district heating systems in Velenje and Upper Nitra and invited European experts (e.g. Wuppertal Institute, Siemens) provided useful advice on how to continue the decarbonisation process of the heating plant.
The event continued with an open conference during which district heating systems from Lower Silesia and Lusatia presented their decarbonisation efforts, the Tri Land project was presented and useful information on the technical assistance instruments of the European Investment Bank was shared.

The study trip was carried out in the framework of the LIFE IP North-HU-Trans project.
News by: Balázs Hegyi
Photo by Balázs Hegyi